You are cordially invited to attend the biweekly Brookhaven AI Mixer (BAM). BAM includes three short talks on AI research happening at BNL, followed by an open mixer over coffee and snacks for everyone to network and discuss all things AI. The first half hour will consist of presentations that will be available via ZOOM, and the second half hour will be for in person only networking.

Join us every other Tuesday at noon in CDSD's Training Room (building 725, 2nd floor) to learn about interesting AI methods and applications, engage with potential collaborators, prepare for pending FASST funding calls, and build a community of AI for Science at BNL.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 12:00 pm -- CDS, Bldg. 725, Training Room

Join ZoomGov Meeting:

Meeting ID: 161 528 9117
Passcode: 991382

You are cordially invited to attend the biweekly Brookhaven AI Mixer (BAM). BAM includes three short talks on AI research happening at BNL, followed by an open mixer over coffee and snacks for everyone to network and discuss all things AI. The first half hour will consist of presentations that will be available via ZOOM, and the second half hour will be for in person only networking.

Join us every other Tuesday at noon in CDSD's Training Room (building 725, 2nd floor) to learn about interesting AI methods and applications, engage with potential collaborators, prepare for pending FASST funding calls, and build a community of AI for Science at BNL.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 12:00 pm -- CDS, Bldg. 725, Training Room

Join ZoomGov Meeting:

Meeting ID: 161 528 9117
Passcode: 991382

You are cordially invited to attend the biweekly Brookhaven AI Mixer (BAM). BAM includes three short talks on AI research happening at BNL, followed by an open mixer over coffee and snacks for everyone to network and discuss all things AI. The first half hour will consist of presentations that will be available via ZOOM, and the second half hour will be for in person only networking.

Join us every other Tuesday at noon in CDSD's Training Room (building 725, 2nd floor) to learn about interesting AI methods and applications, engage with potential collaborators, prepare for pending FASST funding calls, and build a community of AI for Science at BNL.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 12:00 pm -- CDS, Bldg. 725, Training Room

Join ZoomGov Meeting:

Meeting ID: 161 528 9117
Passcode: 991382

You are cordially invited to attend the biweekly Brookhaven AI Mixer (BAM). BAM includes three short talks on AI research happening at BNL, followed by an open mixer over coffee and snacks for everyone to network and discuss all things AI. The first half hour will consist of presentations that will be available via ZOOM, and the second half hour will be for in person only networking.

Join us every other Tuesday at noon in CDSD's Training Room (building 725, 2nd floor) to learn about interesting AI methods and applications, engage with potential collaborators, prepare for pending FASST funding calls, and build a community of AI for Science at BNL.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 12:00 pm -- CDS, Bldg. 725, Training Room

Join ZoomGov Meeting:

Meeting ID: 161 528 9117
Passcode: 991382

You are cordially invited to attend the biweekly Brookhaven AI Mixer (BAM). BAM includes three short talks on AI research happening at BNL, followed by an open mixer over coffee and snacks for everyone to network and discuss all things AI. The first half hour will consist of presentations that will be available via ZOOM, and the second half hour will be for in person only networking.

Join us every other Tuesday at noon in CDSD's Training Room (building 725, 2nd floor) to learn about interesting AI methods and applications, engage with potential collaborators, prepare for pending FASST funding calls, and build a community of AI for Science at BNL.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025, 12:00 pm -- CDS, Bldg. 725, Training Room

Join ZoomGov Meeting:

Meeting ID: 161 528 9117
Passcode: 991382

Spring 2025, Mondays 3.30 to 4.50 pm, NCS 220 and Zoom link to be announced soon.

The seminar will be jointly taught by Prof. Chao Chen, and Prof. Dimitris Samaras

The overall purpose of this seminar is to bring together people with interests
in Computer Vision theory and techniques and to examine current research issues. This course will be appropriate for people who already took a Computer Vision graduate course or already had research experience in Computer Vision.

To enroll in this course, you must either: (1) be in the Ph.D. program or (2) receive permission from the instructors.

Each seminar will consist of multiple short talks (around 15 minutes) by multiple students. Students can register for 1 credit for CSE656. Registered students must attend and present a minimum of 2 talks. Registered students must attend in person. Up to 3 absences will be excused. Everyone else is welcome to attend.

Spring 2025, Mondays 3.30 to 4.50 pm, NCS 220 and Zoom link to be announced soon.

The seminar will be jointly taught by Prof. Chao Chen, and Prof. Dimitris Samaras

The overall purpose of this seminar is to bring together people with interests
in Computer Vision theory and techniques and to examine current research issues. This course will be appropriate for people who already took a Computer Vision graduate course or already had research experience in Computer Vision.

To enroll in this course, you must either: (1) be in the Ph.D. program or (2) receive permission from the instructors.

Each seminar will consist of multiple short talks (around 15 minutes) by multiple students. Students can register for 1 credit for CSE656. Registered students must attend and present a minimum of 2 talks. Registered students must attend in person. Up to 3 absences will be excused. Everyone else is welcome to attend.

Spring 2025, Mondays 3.30 to 4.50 pm, NCS 220 and Zoom link to be announced soon.

The seminar will be jointly taught by Prof. Chao Chen, and Prof. Dimitris Samaras

The overall purpose of this seminar is to bring together people with interests
in Computer Vision theory and techniques and to examine current research issues. This course will be appropriate for people who already took a Computer Vision graduate course or already had research experience in Computer Vision.

To enroll in this course, you must either: (1) be in the Ph.D. program or (2) receive permission from the instructors.

Each seminar will consist of multiple short talks (around 15 minutes) by multiple students. Students can register for 1 credit for CSE656. Registered students must attend and present a minimum of 2 talks. Registered students must attend in person. Up to 3 absences will be excused. Everyone else is welcome to attend.

Spring 2025, Mondays 3.30 to 4.50 pm, NCS 220 and Zoom link to be announced soon.

The seminar will be jointly taught by Prof. Chao Chen, and Prof. Dimitris Samaras

The overall purpose of this seminar is to bring together people with interests
in Computer Vision theory and techniques and to examine current research issues. This course will be appropriate for people who already took a Computer Vision graduate course or already had research experience in Computer Vision.

To enroll in this course, you must either: (1) be in the Ph.D. program or (2) receive permission from the instructors.

Each seminar will consist of multiple short talks (around 15 minutes) by multiple students. Students can register for 1 credit for CSE656. Registered students must attend and present a minimum of 2 talks. Registered students must attend in person. Up to 3 absences will be excused. Everyone else is welcome to attend.

Spring 2025, Mondays 3.30 to 4.50 pm, NCS 220 and Zoom link to be announced soon.

The seminar will be jointly taught by Prof. Chao Chen, and Prof. Dimitris Samaras

The overall purpose of this seminar is to bring together people with interests
in Computer Vision theory and techniques and to examine current research issues. This course will be appropriate for people who already took a Computer Vision graduate course or already had research experience in Computer Vision.

To enroll in this course, you must either: (1) be in the Ph.D. program or (2) receive permission from the instructors.

Each seminar will consist of multiple short talks (around 15 minutes) by multiple students. Students can register for 1 credit for CSE656. Registered students must attend and present a minimum of 2 talks. Registered students must attend in person. Up to 3 absences will be excused. Everyone else is welcome to attend.