Dr Davuluri is a leader in bioinformatics and data science research. He has more than 20 years of progressive working experience in the areas of bioinformatics and computational genomics; a strong background in statistics and computer science; and synergistic expertise in statistical pattern recognition, machine learning, genomics and bioinformatics. He has served as PI of several multi-investigator and multi-site projects. His lab currently focuses on developing machine learning algorithms and informatics solutions for problems in isoform-level gene regulation and precision-medicine. The overarching goal of the lab is to translate data from high dimensional (-omic) platforms (e.g., NextGen sequencing) to derive experimentally interpretable and testable discovery models towards genomics-based decision support systems. His group is developing bioassays that can rapidly identify biomarkers from human tissue and blood samples. Towards these goals, his group applies a combination of state-of-the-art statistically rigorous data-mining methods and high-throughput experimental procedures in a systems biology setting.