AI Institute's Professor Bugallo Named Acting Provost

Mónica F. Bugallo serves as an Interim Provost since February 2022. She has been serving at the Provost Office as a Vice-Provost for Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion since January 2021. Before that, Dr. Bugallo served as Associate Dean for Diversity and Outreach in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

As Associate Dean, Dr. Bugallo has led key innovations in CEAS related to diversity and outreach. She has played instrumental roles in developing the College’s diversity and inclusion strategic plan, which was recognized by the American Society of Engineering Education as one of the best 30 in the nation, and in revising the College’s guidelines on promotion and tenure to highlight and recognize faculty contributions to diversity. Dr. Bugallo has directed and greatly expanded the Women of Science and Engineering (WISE) program, including creating an Honors undergraduate curriculum and other new offerings.

Dr. Bugallo's research focuses on statistical signal processing, with an emphasis on the theory of Monte Carlo methods and its application to different disciplines including biomedicine, ecology, sensor networks, and finance. She has also initiated several successful STEM education programs to raise interest in engineering and research among students across all education levels, with a particular emphasis on underrepresented groups. Her research and outreach efforts have been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, PSEG, National Grid, and Hewlett Packard. 

She has received multiple awards, including the NSF CAREER, the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Higher Education Resource Services Clare Booth Luce Scholarship, the IEEE Athanasios Papoulis Award, the IEEE Outstanding Young Engineer Award, and the IEEE Best Paper Award Signal Processing Magazine. She has written and co-authored two book chapters and more than 200 journal papers and conference articles. 

Beyond Stony Brook, Dr. Bugallo is the chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Theory and Methods Technical Committee and the EURASIP Technical Area Committee on Theoretical and Methodological Trends in Signal Processing. She also serves in editorial roles at several prestigious journals.