A special faculty shout-out to CS Professor H. Andrew Schwartz as he makes his way to the World Government Summit in Dubai this weekend (Feb. 11-13). 

The World Government Summit is a "global platform dedicated to shaping the future of government worldwide. Leaders from a number of countries and from varying fields gather to exchange information and knowledge on government, futurism, technology, and innovation. Considered a "gateway to the future" the Summit functions as a gathering place to analyze future trends, issues, and opportunities facing humanity. 




Development of 3D scanning techniques. Development of computational conformal geometric theories and algorithm and applied for computer graphics, computer vision, geometric modeling, networking and medical imaging.


Among projects are:


1. 3D geometric acquisition method based on phase shifting fringe structured light method
2.  Manifold splines in geometric modeling
3.  Dynamic surface tracking and registration with large deformations   
4.  Global surface parameterization
5.  Meta-material design/surface fabrication based on conformal geometry
6.  Virtual colonoscopy/conformal brain mapping
7.  Geometric routing for wireless sensor networks
8.  Facial expression Capture 


Students can capture 3D shapes, process geometric data and replicate using 3D printing. Research efforts focus on establishing discrete geometric theories , digital geometric algorithms and applications in engineering and medical fields. 





This NSF-funded and Stony Brook-led project includes collaborators from seven leading universities and centers working together to develop far more realistic cardiac device models than what currently exists.


The CyberCardia platform can be used to test and validate medical devices faster and at a far lower cost than existing methods. CyberCardia, which is funded through NSF's cyber-physical systems program, can also be used to design optimal, patient-specific device therapies, thereby lowering the risk to the patient.





Researching the connection between humans and computers in the broadest possible sense. From augmenting the human body using computers to developing new ways computers can help and guide people.


Research Interests

  • Human-Computer Collaboration / Integration
  • Augmented Tools
  • Augmented Human Senses / Computer-Human Senses
  • Assistive Augmentation / Assisted Creativity
  • Art + Culture + Tech
  • DIY Digital Fabrication, Rapid Prototyping
  • Augmented Narratives / Storytelling
  • Computer Vision, Image and Video Analysis
  • Augmented Manufacturing
  • Responsive Computer Graphics
