Title:Deep Contextual Modeling for Natural Language Understanding, Generation, and Grounding

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Natural language is a fundamental form of information and communication. In both human-human and human-computer communication, people reason about the context of text and world state to understand language and produce language response. In this talk, I present several deep neural network based systems that first understand the meaning of language grounded in various contexts where the language is used, and then generate effective language responses in different forms for information access and human-computer communication. First, I will introduce Speaker Interaction RNNs for addressee and response selection in multi-party conversations based on explicit representations for different discourse participants. Then, I will present a text summarization approach for generating email subject lines by optimizing quality scores in a reinforcement learning framework. Finally, I will show an editing-based multi-turn SQL query generation system towards intelligent natural language interfaces to databases.

Bio:Rui Zhang is a final year Ph.D. student at Yale University advised by Professor Dragomir Radev. His research interest lies in various natural language processing problems in understanding, generation, and grounding. He has been working on (1) End-to-End Neural Modeling for Entities, Sentences, Documents, and Multi-party Multi-turn Dialogues, (2) Text Summarization for Emails, News, and Scientific Articles, (3) Cross-lingual Information Retrieval for Low-Resource Languages, (4) Context-Dependent Text-to-SQL Semantic Parsing in Human-Computer Interaction. Rui Zhang has published papers and served as Program Committee members at top-tier NLP and AI conferences including ACL, NAACL, EMNLP, AAAI, CoNLL. During his Ph.D., He has done research internships at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Grammarly Research, and Google AI. He was a graduate student at the University of Michigan and got his bachelor's degrees at both the University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University from the UM-SJTU Joint Institute.

Time: May 5, 2022, Thursday, 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Place: New Computer Science (NCS) Room 220, and Zoom

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Meeting ID:  959 4867 2934
Passcode:  082036

Title:  Generative Adversarial Learning using Optimal Transport


Generative Adversarial Learning (GAL) aims to learn a target distribution in an adversarial manner. A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is a concrete implementation of GAL using a discriminator and a generator that play a min-max game. GANs have been used in many machine learning and computer vision applications. However, GANs are known to be hard to train, mainly because a min-max saddle point optimization problem needs to be solved in GAL. In this thesis, I investigate several methods to improve generative adversarial learning using Optimal Transport (OT). 

Previous Wasserstein GANs (WGANs) do not compute the correct Wasserstein distance to train the discriminator. To address this problem, I propose WGAN-TS that uses the L1 transport cost and computes the correct Wasserstein distance to train the discriminator. To ensure the local convergence of WGANs, I propose WGAN-QC that adopts the quadratic transport cost. I prove that WGAN-QC not only computes the correct Wasserstein distance but also converges to a local equilibrium point. To compute the Wasserstein distance over the whole dataset, I propose to use Semi-Discrete Optimal Transport (SDOT) to match noise points and the real images during GAN training. To measure the quality of an SDOT map, I use the Maximum Relative Error (MRE) and the L_1 distance between the target distribution and the transported distribution obtained by an OT map. I propose statistical methods to estimate the MRE and the L_1 distance. I propose an efficient Epoch Gradient Descent algorithm for SDOT (SDOT-EGD). To deal with the 2D special case of GAL, I propose to use OT to learn 2D distributions. In particular, I adopt OT to match persistent diagrams in training a topology-aware GAN and learn density maps in the crowd counting task. Finally, I use OT and the topological maps of the crowd to improve the crowd counting performance and propose a topology-based metric to measure the quality of the crowd density maps.

Title: Sustainable NLP

Time: Friday 4/29, 2:40 PM

Location: NCS 120


Natural language processing (NLP) technology has supercharged many real-world applications ranging from intelligent personal assistants (like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant) to commercial search engines such as Google and Bing. But current NLP applications use extremely large neural models, making them (i) expensive to deploy on servers, requiring large amounts of compute resources and power, and (ii) impossible to run on mobile devices, making on-device, privacy-preserving applications impractical.

In the first part of the talk, I will describe systems optimizations we have developed that significantly reduce the compute and memory requirement of NLP models. The optimizations we developed can be applied broadly and results in over 10x reduction in latency when deployed on mobile devices. In the second part of the talk, I will describe our recent work on predicting energy consumption of NLP models. Existing energy prediction approaches are not accurate, making it difficult for developers and practitioners to reason about their models in terms of power. We use a multi-level regression approach that produces highly accurate and interpretable energy predictions.

Aruna Balasubramanian is an Associate Professor at Stony Brook University. She received her Ph.D from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where her dissertation won the UMass outstanding dissertation award and was the SIGCOMM dissertation award runner up. She works in the area of networked systems. Her current work consists of two threads: (1) significantly improving Quality of Experience of Internet applications, and (2) improving the usability, accessibility, and privacy of mobile systems. She is the recipient of the SIGMobile Rockstar award, a Ubicomp best paper award, a Computing Innovation Fellowship, a VMWare Early Career award, several Google research awards, an

Please join us on Friday for a CSE 600 talk by CS Faculty, Stanley Bak. During this semester, please periodically check the CSE 600 schedule for the latest talk updates.

Title:  Formal Verification Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems and Neural Networks

Time: Friday 4/1, 2:40 PM

Location:  NCS 120

Abstract: Formal verification methods in Computer Science strive to prove properties about all possible executions of a system, and are an alternative development approach to testing when correctness is paramount. Traditionally these have been applied to hardware circuits, state-machine protocols, or software source code. Prof. Stanley Bak will discuss his research on extending formal verification approaches to more complex areas including cyber-physical systems and neural networks.

Speaker Bio: Stanley Bak is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University investigating the verification of autonomy, cyber-physical systems, and neural networks. He received a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2013, and worked for four years in the Verification and Validation (V&V) group in the Aerospace Systems Directorate at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). He received the AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) award in 2020.

Please join University Libraries on March 29 at 1:00 via Zoom as we welcome Dr. Zhang, SUNY Empire Innovation Professor at SBU's Power Lab. This lab is pioneering the research of coordinated networked microgrids (NMs) that can possibly help to restore neighboring distribution grids after a major blackout. That these NMs hold promise to significantly enhance the day-to-day reliability of the power grids, we are proud to host Dr. Zhang as a member of our STEM Speaker Series. Registration required.

Date: March 11, 2022
Time: 2:40PM EST

Title: Towards Scalable and Efficient Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS)

Driven by the explosive growth of big data, the sustained advances of
Machine Learning (ML), and the fast evolving of computer system
techniques, the past few years have witnessed a surging demand for
Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS). MLaaS is an emerging computing
paradigm that facilitates ML model design, training, inference serving
and provides optimized executions of ML tasks in an automated,
scalable, and efficient manner. In this talk, I will demonstrate how
to integrate ML algorithm research and system research in synergy to
address the pressing challenges in MLaaS. I will first share a story
about how our system experience led to a novel large batching
algorithm design that revolutionizes large-scale training. Then I will
tell another story about how our gradient compression algorithm
research helped us to discover overlooked critical features of modern
ML systems and thereby build a compression-aware distributed ML
system. I will also briefly discuss a promising future of harnessing
serverless computing for MLaaS model inference serving. I will
conclude my talk with a discussion of interdisciplinary research and
future plans.

Dr. Feng Yan is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and
Engineering at University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and director of the
Intelligent Data and Systems Lab (IDS Lab). Dr. Yan received M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary
and worked at Microsoft Research and HP Labs. Dr. Yan's research
bridges the fields of big data, machine learning, and systems. The
focus of his research is on developing methodologies and building
systems that are automated, high-performing, efficient, robust, and
user-centric. Some of his recent research topics include large-scale
distributed deep learning, machine learning as a service (MLaaS),
federated learning, AutoML, serverless computing, and broad topics in
cloud and HPC. Dr. Yan is also dedicated to interdisciplinary research
and has established fruitful collaborations with domain experts in
areas such as health, physics, geography, material science, mechanical
engineering, civil engineering, and innovated big data and AI-driven
approaches for these domains. Dr. Yan and his team are actively
publishing at the most prestigious venues in computer system area
(such as SOSP, SC, HPDC, USENIX ATC, EuroSys, FAST, VLDB, etc.) and
machine learning area (such as NIPS/NeurIPS, KDD, AAAI, etc.). Dr. Yan
and his students are the recipients of the Best Student Paper Award of
IEEE CLOUD 2018, the Best Paper Award of CLOUD 2019, and the Best
Student Paper Award of ITNG 2021. Dr. Yan is the recipient of the NSF
CAREER Award, the NSF CRII Award, the CSE Best Researcher Award, and
has been nominated for the Regents' Rising Researcher Award. Dr. Yan
serves as Social Media Chair of ACM SIGMETRICS. To learn more
information, please visit Dr. Yan's homepage: