Virtual Talk: Contextual Modeling for Natural Language Understanding, Generation and Grounding by Rui Zhang

Zoom link to come.

Abstract: Natural language is a fundamental form of information and communication. In both human-human and human-computer communication, people reason about the context of text and world state to understand language and produce language response. In this talk, I present 
several deep-neural-network-based systems that first understand the meaning of language grounded in various contexts where the language is used, and then generate effective language responses in different forms for information access and human-computer communication. First, 
I will introduce Speaker Interaction RNNs for addressee and response selection in multi-party conversations based on explicit representations for different discourse participants. Then, I will 
present a text summarization approach for generating email subject lines by optimizing quality scores in a reinforcement learning framework. Finally, I will show an editing-based multi-turn SQL query generation system towards intelligent natural language interfaces to databases. 

Bio: Rui Zhang is a final-year PhD student at Yale University advised by Professor Dragomir Radev. His research interest lies in various natural language processing problems in understanding, generation, and grounding. He has been working on (1) End-to-End Neural Modeling for Entities, Sentences, Documents and Multi-party Multi-turn Dialogues, (2) Text Summarization for Emails, News and Scientific Articles, (3) Cross-lingual Information Retrieval for Low-Resource Languages, (4) Context-Dependent Text-to-SQL Semantic Parsing in Human-Computer Interaction. Rui Zhang has published papers and served as Program Committee members at top-tier NLP and AI conferences including ACL, NAACL, EMNLP, AAAI and CoNLL. During his PhD, he has done research internships at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Grammarly Research and Google AI. He was a graduate student at the University of Michigan and got his Bachelor's degrees at both the University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University from the UM-SJTU Joint Institute.

Virtual Talk: Metadata Matters: Robust Document Classification via Adaptation Methods for Text-driven Public Health by Xiaolei Huang

Zoom link to follow.

Abstract: Document classifiers have been widely applied in solving health-related issues, such as suicide prevention, flu vaccination surveillance and disease diagnosis. However, document metadata including time, gender, age and location has an enormous impact on robustness of 
document classifiers. Language varies across the metadata bringing both challenges and opportunities to build reliable document classifiers. For example, online written language changes over time, and males and females express opinions differently. This talk describes how to use domain adaptation to integrate temporal and user demographic factors into document classifiers. By adapting knowledge of how language varies across the metadata, models can learn generalized representations of language through the metadata-invariant embeddings. 
This approach will lead to metadata-adapted document classifiers and can also extend to personalize classification models by user embedding. 

Bio: Xiaolei Huang is a 4th-year PhD candidate in Information Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is currently a visiting scholar at the Johns Hopkins University. His research interests are in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Public Health. Particularly, he focuses on domain adaptation, cross-lingual transfer learning, user modeling and fairness.

AI Seminar: Computational Pathology: Deep Learning, Classification and
Predicting the Future  - Joel Saltz

Abstract:  Pathologists have been looking at tissue through microscopes since the 1800s.  During each pathologist's career,  he or she views slides having  roughly 1,000,000,000,000 cells. Deep learning methods are rapidly being developed to assimilate the huge amount of information walked inside of tissue images and to use this information to predict outcomes and responses to treatments.

Stony Brook is a leader in this type of multi-disciplinary work. I will provide an overview of Stony Brook computational Pathology efforts and articulate how these have the potential to create biomedical advances as well as to drive development of new computer science. 

Bio: Dr. Joel Saltz is a leader in research on advanced information technologies for large scale data science and biomedical/scientific research. He has developed innovative pathology informatics methods, including: the first published whole slide virtual microscope system; pioneering pathology computer-aided diagnosis techniques; and methods for decomposing pathology images into features and linking those features to cancer omics, response to treatment and outcome. He has broken new ground in big data through development of the filter-stream based DataCutter system, the map-reduce style Active Data Repository and the inspector-executor runtime compiler framework. He has also been an active contributor in clinical informatics, having developed
predictive models for hospital readmissions, point of care laboratory testing quality assurance systems, decision support systems for electrophoresis interpretation and graphical user interfaces to support clinical data warehouse queries. Dr. Saltz has been a pioneer in establishing the field of biomedical informatics; he founded and built two highly successful departments of biomedical informatics, one at Ohio State University and one at Emory University. In 2013, he came to Stony Brook as Vice President for Clinical Informatics and Founding Department Chair of Biomedical Informatics - to create a living laboratory for biomedical informatics and to create a third unique biomedical informatics department dually housed in the School of Medicine and the College of Engineering. Dr. Saltz is trained both as a computer scientist and as a physician through the MSTP program at Duke University. He has deep experience in computer science, having served on the computer science faculties at Yale University and the University of Maryland. He completed his residency in clinical
pathology at Johns Hopkins University and he is a practicing, board-certified clinical pathologist. 

AI Seminar: Video Architecture Search - Michael Ryoo

Abstract: Video understanding is a challenging problem. Because a video contains spatio-temporal data, its feature representation is required to abstract both appearance and motion information. This is not only essential for automated understanding of the semantic content of videos, such as Web-video classification or sport activity recognition, but is also crucial for robot perception and learning. Previously, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for videos were normally built by manually extending known 2D architectures such as Inception and ResNet to 3D or by carefully designing two-stream CNN architectures that fuse together both appearance and motion information. However, designing an optimal video architecture to best take advantage of spatio-temporal information in videos still remains an open problem. In this talk, we discuss recent progress in neural architecture search for videos, obtaining more optimal network architectures for video understanding.

18th Annual Engineering Ball

Flowerfield, St. James, NY
Thursday April, 2nd, 7:00 to 10:00 pm

Pick up your tickets in 231 Engineering (Monday - Friday, 10:00 am to 4 pm)

Presenting Partner: L3Harris

How Language Makes us Smart (without Big Data) presented by Charles Yang

Abstract: Language provides the glue that combines simpler concepts into complex ones. To study how language guides conceptual development, we need precise accounts of how rules are learned from the child's linguistic experience, which is extremely limited in comparison to the amount of data available to current machine learning methods. In this talk, I discuss a mathematical model of inductive generalization, which enables language learning with very small amount of data. Such a view of learning has strong implications for the cross-cultural/linguistic variation of development. As a case study, I show that Hong Kong children learning Cantonese, which has a relatively simpler formal counting system, develop understanding of symbolic numbers a full year ahead of English-learning children in the United States, which is precisely predictable from the learning model. The new conception of learning adds another wrinkle to the eternal question of how language and thought are related to each other.

Bio: Charles Yang studied at the MIT AI lab and now teaches linguistics, computer science and psychology and directs the Program in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of several books: The Price of Linguistic Productivity (2016 MIT Press) won the Leonard Bloomfield Award from the Linguistic Society of America. His honors include a Guggenheim fellowship.

AI + Music Seminar - The meeting will consist of introductions and organizational discussions, aimed at understanding participants' interests. We'll discuss what the seminars can focus on going forward.